Slot – A Position in a Group or Series of Jobs


A narrow notch, opening, or gap, especially one for receiving something, as in a door, a window, or a coin in a machine. Also, a position in a group or series, as of jobs or appointments: The chief copy editor’s slot at the newspaper.

A small jackpot that occurs in a casino’s slot machines when the player hits a certain combination of symbols. The amount of the jackpot varies from game to game and is often displayed prominently on the machine’s screen.

Often, a slot’s jackpot is listed as a progressive, meaning it grows every time a player plays the game and never decreases. The odds of hitting a progressive jackpot are much higher than the odds of hitting a regular jackpot.

In football, a position on the field, usually near the middle of the team, that is used to receive passes from the quarterback. Slot receivers run routes that correspond with the other wide receivers in order to confuse the defense. They also block for the ball carrier on running plays.

Whenever you play an online slot, it’s important to read the pay table before beginning. It will tell you what each symbol means, how to trigger bonus features, and how much you can win if you land three or more matching symbols on a payline. The pay table can usually be accessed by clicking an icon near the bottom of the game screen. It is also important to understand that slots are a negative expectation game and that you will eventually lose money.